Wednesday, March 17, 2010

you make me smile..

i caught myself smiling
without knowing why
i saw your name
next to mine
it feels so right
can you blame me?

i caught myself smiling
without you knowing why
you keep my spirit high
you make me sad
you make me cry
yet i still love you.

i caught myself smiling
with you as my reason
now i know
the meaning of this
i can never catch myself smiling
if it wasn't because of you.

i saw the two of us
holding hands
walking, talking, laughing
it feels so right
my heart belongs to you
as my life revolves around you.

i love you.
if it is okay
if it not, still i will say
i love you
no matter what

i cant find words to say
i cant express in any way
i cant turn my back on you
i love you
even if its breaking me into pieces
i'll stay in love with you..

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